Monitoramento de Mídias Sociais – uma visão brasileira

Recentemente tive o prazer de ser entrevistado por Stephen Rappaport, autor do excelente livro Listen First! e Knowledge Solutions Director da ARF. O Steve perguntou sobre o e-book Para Entender o Monitoramento de Mídias Sociais, sobre quais métricas levo em consideração e sobre como o Brasil está evoluindo no tema. Veja abaixo:

Steve: What is your view on social media metrics? Which ones are helpful? Where is improvement needed?

Tarcizio: There is yet a great confusion regarding the definition of metrics for social media. You can tell by the market, both the Brazilian and international, that there are dozens of methodologies that were proven effective for some needs, but there is little standardization. Actually, I think that each agency should produce their own methodologies, but from universally accepted criteria.

Particularly, I find it interesting to establish metrics for communication and financial metrics. Three groups of metrics of communication are basic for a good social media monitoring aimed at analysis and performance optimization. The first, Reach, is also the one most valued by brands accustomed with traditional media metrics. The total number of people actually or potentially reached by the messages is important to understand how the brand can achieve touch points with consumers.

Engagement allows us to assess what is driving the actions of audience interaction and fans. Through engagement metrics, you can optimize content, know better the audience. Sentiment metrics, coupled with good classification and tagging planning, makes possible to identify how aspects, products, stages of communication and stages of sale are performing. The sentiment analysis has been the bastion of social media monitoring and is used until its exhaustion, but it is still essential when associated with intelligence information.

The financial metrics are more varied, but you must set them in an integrated manner with those responsible for the business, sales teams, customer service, HR, knowledge management, BI etc…

I think that more than the metrics improvement, we need better professionals and their ability to develop and apply qualitative methodologies. And this involves the understanding that social media monitoring is not a new and isolated discipline, on the contrary, it is related and should be better integrated with the marketing research, competitive intelligence and business.

[Leia o resto da entrevista]

Entrevista sobre mídias sociais na Revista Webdesign

A revista Webdesign de abril trouxe como matéria de capa (8 pgs): “Mídias Sociais: quais serão os próximos passos?”. Os jornalistas da publicação falaram com alguns profissionais e pesquisadores da área, entre eles eu, resultando em um texto bem interessante. A @renatacbc fez um bom resumo do texto no blog da PaperCliQ. Pra conferir, clique na imagem:

revista web design - mídias sociais 76